Are you curious to see if shopping at Aldi for your groceries can save you money vs shopping at Wegmans?
Aldi prices are generally cheaper than Wegmans, most of the time. Is it worth your time to shop at two different grocery stores? Let's see how much I saved!
Is there an Aldi and a Wegmans near you?
I am fortunate where I live that there is an Aldi store right next to a Wegmans store. If I have enough time, I will go to Aldi and get what I can, and then take the quick drive to Wegmans and finish my list.
Aldi won't have all of the products you may be used to getting at Wegmans.
I buy my cats' Iams food products at Wegmans since it's not available at Aldi. I mostly buy my meat products at Wegmans. Some paper and vitamin products won't be available at Aldi. (Think bathcups, daily vitamins)